You can’t see the depth of things with one eye
You may know about this. Your both eyes, side by side, are the reason that you are able to notice the depth in your perception. That is, you can know how far or close an object is from you.
Try this experiment. With both eyes open, extend both your arms in front of you and bring the two index fingers of your hands close to each other and touch them. Easy right? Now close one eye. Anyone. Wait for a minute or two for your brain to adjust to just your single eye. Now try the previous task of touching your index fingers. Chances are much high, that this time you missed your fingers. You thought you were going to touch them. But then they just went past each other. If managed to touch them, then move your arms around and throw off your brain and try it again.
Both your eyes are important for the extra information about the depth of things.
For a lot of things in life, we look at them as if we are only using one eye. We only see one part of the picture. Maybe someone cut you off in traffic. The boss did not acknowledge your work. Your partner said something nasty to you in anger. There are literally thousands of situations where we are only seeing one part.
We must open our other eyes too, just as with our real eyes and start to look at things from multiple angles. There is always something that you missed that you wouldn’t consider from just a single point of view.
Always keep in mind that everything can be seen from multiple angles. Train yourself to look at things from those different angles. You can instantly relieve a lot of your stress, frustration, anxiety or hurt in your life.
You can also appreciate what you have in your life because you realize a lot of what you have is by pure luck. What you earned by your hard work too, you see that you must not take it for granted either.
This way you develop one of the most important skills in life. To view at things and situations objectively.