Why are you doing that?

Hemant Kulkarni
2 min readAug 14, 2019


From the Instagram page @dailystoic

I got the idea for this post from the above image on Instagram.

The advice is simple yet profound. It is no easy to follow that in our day to day activities. You first have to consciously create a habit of asking just that question any way possible. Then this habit starts to change your life.

You become conscious about why you are doing something in a certain way. You become aware of the reasons behind your actions. You realize where you are failing and where you are succeeding. Many great people have said that by becoming aware you become better. And this simple question is a great way to be aware.

When you ask that question for the actions of others, whom you do not control, you realize their reasons. You become kind and compassionate towards others because you recognize that not everyone is conscious about what they are doing. Not everyone is under control. Even when they have slighted you. You let go.

Maybe that person who cut you off in traffic in a dangerous way has some urgency. Or maybe he or she gets a thrill by driving dangerously but does not know that that endangers the lives of others.

Some person did not speak politely with you even when you did? Maybe he or she is struggling with something. Maybe they are just hungry and they get irritated easily.

This way you become more forgiving towards others but stricter towards your actions.

Why are you not working out? Because you do not see the point in working out? Well, you need to train yourself for long term goals instead of short term ones.

Why do you smoke that cigarette? Do you have some anxiety? Do you depend on the nicotine for normal functioning?

The more aware you become, the better chance you have at getting at the root of your problems, and thus solving them.

Now ask: Why did I write this post?



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