What’s driving you?

Hemant Kulkarni
2 min readMar 4, 2020


We are a product of our environment and upbringing in combination with our internal wiring. That makes us who we are and that is why everyone is unique. Even twins are not an exact copy of each other.

We grow up and then begin to make decisions on our own. But on what do we base our decisions? Have you ever thought about that?

Given a choice between a fruit and a sugar-packed ice cream, my friend may choose the healthy fruit and I may choose the ice cream. That decision for both of us, again, comes down to our environment, upbringing and wiring in our brains. My situation drives my decisions while my friend’s hers.

You must be aware that you do not always make good decisions in life. Its impact is the worst when you are not aware of what is driving your decisions and you end up living life one decision after another, thinking that it is your conscious choice, but in fact, it hardly is. You might be wasting your life not knowing that the reasons on which you based your decisions were harmful instead of beneficial.

You have such a short visit on this planet before you disperse into nothingness. Be aware of how it works and try to direct life by your conscious thoughts, as much as you can.

Photo by Michał Parzuchowski on Unsplash

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