Want more opportunities? Do this
We often compare ourselves to our more successful peers and declare that they had more opportunities to take advantage of and so their high success is justified.
That is true. But only in few cases.
If you think that, then you definitely want more opportunities in your life, if I am not wrong. (If you don’t, stop reading. Netflix added new movies in their catalogue.)
This one thing will guarantee you more opportunities:
Read more.
That’s it? Yes. That’s it.
By reading more, you accrue more and more knowledge. The more knowledge and wisdom you have, you realize that the opportunities for growth are always around you. In fact, they were already around you in the past too. You did not have the required perspective to notice them.
When you feed your brain more and more data, it begins to find patterns where there weren’t any previously. Not in a hallucinatory sense.
Start reading more daily and over months and years you will realize that you now have overwhelming opportunities at your disposal. You won’t know what to do with them.
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