To note down or not to note down…
That is the question. I have read Stephen King, the great author, say that he never jots down ideas to his stories. The logic behind it is he says, he will only remember the good ones and forget about the rest. I liked that and tried to follow that.
But I also read many others advice to write down the ideas that you get and write them down daily. I am aiming to write small blog posts daily and for that, I need to have at least one idea per day. I decided that I will start noting down the ideas whenever they came to me out of the blue. But I am not yet perfect at it.
For example, I remember having two good ideas to write something on but I forgot to note them down because I think I was riding my bike. I need to be so strict that even if I get some idea on the bike the next time, I should stop the bike safely roadside and jot the idea down in my phone. That is the least I should do. Once the idea is safe from disappearing forever, I can then come to it later and write something on it.
These are the two different ways that other people use for remembering ideas. What I have found is even though the first one is good and many people follow it, for writing something daily, I need to follow the second way.
You have to experiment and find what works for you and then adopt that and use it. You should not feel bad about changing your methods.