The cost of repeating mistakes
It is inevitable. We want to do something, we end up doing something else. We want to say something, something else comes out of our mouths. We commit a mistake. Not just one, but thousands over a lifetime.
There is value in committing mistakes as well. It demonstrates that you are willing to take risks, show up and take action, rather than sit on the sidelines and criticize others. But there is no value in repeating mistakes that you have already committed.
If you have repeated a mistake, you have not learnt a lesson that you need to learn. You just wasted valuable time and probably resources too in repeating your mistake. Sometimes you lose good people due to a mistake.
It is ok. Many mistakes are hard to correct and don’t take it so hard on yourself. But keep in mind that do not let yourself slack so much that you end up repeating the same mistake over and over again. All of the addictive habits that fall under this category of mistake that you want to stop repeating.
Imagine you are driving and come at a roundabout. You go in a circle, but instead of getting out of the roundabout toward your intended destination road, you keep circling the roundabout. You are just wasting energy, you feel like you are driving and moving, but actually, you are going nowhere. That is what repeating mistakes is like. Being stuck in a loop but wasting valuable resources.
When you become aware of your patterns and set some rules to correct course, you may end up repeating a mistake out of habit 10 times. But if you stop it the 11th time, it counts! Then determine that the next time, you will stop before 10th repetition. And this way, gradually, you become a much more disciplined person.