The business of carbon capture

Hemant Kulkarni
2 min readFeb 25, 2021


Where there is a need, there is a potential business. Or some social welfare service.

One such need of the hour is removing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the atmosphere. The fabulous farts that humanity blows out daily into the world is just collecting all over the world and holding onto the sun’s heat like a baby holds onto a teddy bear.

Planting trees is a good option but humans may have realized that trees will take too long to clean up the shit that humans have slapped everywhere. Thus, the need of the technology for capturing carbon out of the atmosphere much faster than trees.

If and when a viable and efficient technology is developed, these carbon capturing companies will charge other polluters for cleaning up their mess and those polluters can show a receipt to the government that their carbon is being captured and thus they are carbon neutral or negative.

The cleaning up of the environment can even be funded by governments but if one country is spending money and money are not, that leaves very little incentive for that one kid to stand ground and clean everyone else’s messes.

Once this technology arrives on a mass scale, say goodbye to the remaining trees as they won’t have much need and humans will definitely tear them down for their resources. Trees will then be a symbol of luxury.

Photo by Kouji Tsuru on Unsplash



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