The blank days

Hemant Kulkarni
1 min readSep 23, 2019


Photo by Eila Lifflander on Unsplash

On some days, like today, I face a blank screen and find myself unable to come up with a single idea to write some post on that has some value in it for someone. It the thoughts that usually flood the mind seem to scatter away like a flock of birds.

On such days, I have the option to write about the exact thing that prevents me from getting some idea. It may seem that the mind has gone blank for no particular reason, but in fact, one of the reasons I can trace is a thirst for perfection that gets out of control. The mind starts to discard good enough idea because they are not “perfect enough”. Nothing seems good. A mountain begins to appear in front of you where you thought was just a rugged path and now you have to hike it. And you just sit there facing a blank screen as the blinker waits there, prompting you to type something.

But you just have to start. You must remember that. You just have to start and the rest may follow. It at least subdues the paralyzing wishful thinking for perfection.



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