Special use cases beget special problems

Hemant Kulkarni
2 min readMar 26, 2021

In the world of coding, in the beginning we tend to find every answer to our problems on Stackoverflow. That is because we are using some basic language and almost all of the problems in it have been mapped by smart people asking and answering questions.

Then as we progress, we want to add some new plugin or create some special case for which we need to take include some external library. That creates a special case and if we find some problems with this combination, there will be much fewer answer available on SO. If the use case is basic even with this combination, we will tend to find answer though we may have to search more.

But then as we advance, there will be many cases where our requirements will be tweaking some library in such a way that it was not done in the original library. Or we may come across a simple bug which we are not aware of. This means we are now into unchartered territory. If we find the solution to the problem, great. If not, we will have to turn into those special people who create a SO account and post a question on the site. Then someone smarter will provide a hopefully correct answer and you just mapped a problem for future coders as well.

With each progression, the problems take more time to solve even though they may be one line of code.

Photo by Nate Grant on Unsplash

