Social media platforms consumption vs value creation
If you use any of the countless social media apps out there and you do not post anything that can be of value to others, then you are consuming content by other people.
Now there is nothing wrong with that. Some of the content out there can make you better as a person. But most of it is pure entertainment. Find out how much of both you consume and if you find that you use them for mostly the entertainment, then stop. It is not worth it. You are just letting go of your life by consuming tiny videos and jokes that you feel you will miss out on. But you won’t. They are going to keep coming. The more people use the platforms, the more content there is going to be.
But if you notice, most of the content creation is done by the minority. The majority just consume. (No, by minority, I don’t mean any caste or religious minority. Jeez.) Maybe the 80/20 rule applies here too. I am not sure. This is an interesting question. I should look into it.
So you have two options now. Either stop using those apps altogether. Or start providing some value on your own and then use it to connect with others and expand your circle of influence. Interestingly, you can choose to entertain others because it is hard work. Try it. Creating a video of 1 minute which will get a handful of laughs may seem easy to make, but in practice, it is not. So you can choose to entertain others, but not consume their entertainment.
And if you are going to consume the content by others, make sure that it helps you grow in some way. Do not passively keep consuming entertaining content which will only help you keep your boredom at bay. But not for long. Keep the phone away and you will find that the boredom was just hanging out in the other room, waiting for you.