Perfect stories don’t exist
No matter what story you read or watch or listen to, it will have some flaws in it. Some loopholes that when found will dilute the effect of the story.
The better-known stories have fewer of such flaws than the universally hated ones.
I love the Harry Potter story and the world. I had put it on a pedestal as a perfect story since I was a child. But I recently learned about many of its gaping holes that break the story. Just search them on YouTube.
The point is not to craft a perfect story. That will take an eternity in most cases. But to create a story that grabs our attention and entertains us at the moment. The more complex a story, the higher the chances of there being flaws. Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, or The Expanse are not loved because of their flawlessness. They are loved for their complexity.
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