Oh man! Now singing?!
So singing huh! I have been listening to songs since I have been a child like everyone else. I remember that my friends used to go to singing or harmonium or tabla classes and learn some musical instruments. My parents were not exposed to music. So they never thought of sending me to a class and I am glad that they did not. Or I would not have liked learning music.
I was neutral about music and had accepted the thought that I am not able to sing till a year ago. And if I was to be able to then either I had to have the gift or I had to be trained since when I was a child. And I knew neither was the case. There are no singers or even a single person in my whole extended family who can play any musical instrument. Or I don’t know anyone.
But since last year or so, I started noticing the ups and downs in songs. It was I think the first time I was really listening to music and songs and how they are sung. I was able to learn to listen and play songs in mobile app piano using a single finger playing but nothing more than that. I knew after that experience that I was able to learn using my ears. I saw many others on YouTube tell that anyone can do that. When I started applying that to vocals in songs, I began to notice the notes that make the songs beautiful. I began to notice the vibrato. I wanted to be able to reproduce that myself and I began trying it out myself while listening to songs. Most of the times I would be way off the notes, but sometimes, sometimes, I would be pretty close to the singer. That began to give me some confidence that, “Hey maybe I can learn this.”
I then saw a few actors, I think it was The Rock, who was able to sing. It may not be perfect by some masters’ standards, but it was good enough to make me think, “If they can do it, then I can too!”
That pushed me a bit more to keep trying singing along the songs. I don’t know lyrics to most of the songs I sing but all I try to do is match the notes of the vocals and when I am successful at doing that, that is a great high on its own.
I am now looking into seriously learning singing by training as all of the pro singers have to do. All I have to do is practice.