No need to worry about followers
Social media keeps us hooked by the hearts and likes we get. That is why so many of us are addicted to it. One reason.
But when you start down the path of creating content for the people, you must train yourself to ignore those things. The apps are designed in such a way so that you keep longing for those numbers of likes.
When you are beginning to create something and posting it for the world to see, a concept I learned from Show Your Work by Austin Kleon, you are just a beginner. You are searching for your voice. Searching for what you want to say.
You cannot and should not bother yourself with worrying about if people are liking it or not. In this saturated atmosphere, it is hard to get discovered. And it will almost never happen overnight. This is a process of decades! You are here for the long haul. So initially, looking for the feedback will only dishearten you.
You can worry about those things later. Maybe a couple of years later when you have put out a lot of value through your content for others. Set some limit like that and focus on the work and just showing it to the world.
No need to worry about the followers or likes. They are just numbers. If they are growing, use them as positive feedback. But if they are not, then don’t take them as a negative one.