Look up at the stars

Hemant Kulkarni
2 min readSep 12, 2018


“sky stars” by Arnold Dogelis on Unsplash

I think I first read about this exact advice from Tim Ferriss in one of his podcasts or blog posts.

And the moment I read it, I knew it was profound.

From my childhood, I loved gazing at the stars, even if there were only a few visible due to the light pollution. Whenever I spotted the artificial satellites, I stared at them to the point I could no longer focus on them.

That gazing alone sparked an interest in the field of Astronomy, Astrophysics, Physics and then later on in other areas of Science.

Now I am not a scientist or even near the intellectual level of one. I am just curious about the Universe beyond our planet earth and I regularly read about the topics and watch videos staying updated on them.

When playing with Coco, our dog, I find my time to gaze at the stars and I do.

Looking at the stars gives you a perspective of your own place on this tiny little spec of dust we call Earth. We only can see about 6000 stars in the night sky with our naked eye I have read. And there are about 100 billion stars in our galaxy alone. And in our universe astronomers have estimated by their observations that there are about 100 billion galaxies itself. Think about how many planets there are!

Man, that blows my mind just thinking about it. My brain is not even capable of handling all those large numbers.

Your minor issues fade away when you bring things into perspective and you appreciate everything you have. Even being here able to look up at the stars!

Try it.



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