Long term thinking
If you find it difficult to pursue long term goals, one thing to consider is whether you are hooked to short term rewards.
That is, do you check too much Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat or any of the other apps that are designed to addictive. Or do you even watch porn and masturbate too often? If the answer is yes to any of these, then you may be under the influence of short term rewards. Your brain is trained to only seek short term rewards. And that is why you just cannot fathom working towards something that takes a long time to manifest any results, like working out. (You know how much I value working out as a means to grow ourselves).
Change this variable. Focus on reducing or even eliminating the short term rewards until you get back on track with proper long term rewards. This will not happen in days or weeks. It takes months or even years, as in my case. But then you slowly start to realize what things are important for you and which give you true content in contrast with the things that only give you dopamine hits in the short term.
Implement this habit in your life and see the results. Not immediately, but months down the line.