Life seems to have a value
Although subjective.
If we are in an accident, and we manage to survive, we become aware of how fragile our life is. We suddenly find gratitude welling up from deep inside us. Let’s say I had a smartphone with me in the accident that got destroyed. I will hardly worry about the mobile phone compared to the fact that I almost died.
Let’s change the object and say I had a laptop with me. I may worry a bit more after recovering from the shock of the accident, but still not much.
Now, say I was in a car crash, but I survived. After getting out of the shock, I will worry a bit extra for the car.
We can observe a pattern here.
Now let’s say a natural disaster levelled my house to the ground. I almost survived, but now I am homeless. It will devastate me and more if I have a family to care. Now we are getting near the value of my life.
But this value is subjective. Someone with a higher net worth won’t worry about the car, or even about the destroyed house. But someone barely scraping by will be affected by the loss of a thousand rupees. For that person, the value of his or her life appears cheaper.
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