Imitate a mentor.
When you develop a curious personality dedicated to learning, you notice that you are interested in a thousand things that you want to learn and do.
After fighting with the sad realization that you will never get to do everything you want to do, you set priorities and go after the things that excite you the most.
You find yourself confused many times as what action steps to take next while learning something.
That is when you find mentors who have done what you want to do and just start imitating them, whatever they did.
All you have to do is copy all of their actions and see if they work for you. You give the imitation enough time before coming to any conclusions.
You might find that many times you won’t like some action, so you move onto some other one by some other mentor perhaps.
While some other times, you find out a great shortcut to something that was only possible because you imitated the mentor.
This way, at least, you quickly start to find out what does not work for you.
It is very easy just to imitate how that other guy rubbed the two sticks to make fire, rather than rediscovering it all on your own.