I forgot a word I wanted to use
It happens with me many times. And maybe it does with you too. I want to use some particular word in speech or writing and my brain scans and gets that word too, but something mysterious happens and I forget it.
I know that the word is right there in my mind, or the tip of my tongue, but I find hard to grab it. Sometimes if I retrace what I was thinking before thinking of the word clarifies the cloud of confusion and I see the word like a glowing diamond in pitch black cave. But other times I find it almost impossible. It feels like trying to find a needle from a needle-stack, though the needle I want is right there on the top.
And then when you are not even thinking about it, the needle starts to levitate like a ghost and demands your attention.
I have to look into this phenomenon and why this happens. Hopefully neuroscientists have figured it out. If they have, I will learn something new! If they have not, someone someday will find the answer.