I did not finish a single book in the last 2 months!

Hemant Kulkarni
2 min readNov 9, 2018


I set a target to read one book per week a few months ago. I was going good with it as well mostly by choosing books in the range of 200–300 pages. So not so large. But in the last 2 months, I have not finished a single book. I am reading a really good book called Social Intelligence which is a good book. It is not that I am not enjoying it or I don’t like it. I have just slacked off from my resolve due to multiple reasons.

But at the core of all those reasons is just a lack of discipline and nothing else. What I tried before a couple weeks ago was to try to read for an hour per day in the evening. It worked some days but it did not on others and when it did not, I ended up not reading a single word at all. Now it has manifested into a thought pattern like this: I will try to read if only I have one hour block of time.

That thought pattern then made me lazier and even when I had some time to read, I did not read thinking that I do not have the time or I did something else like watch a movie. Now that is classic lazy ass discipline-less behaviour.

By Lonely Planet on Unsplash

Now I am going to change that. What I have realized is that I am weakest at the starting point. All I need to do is start. So I won’t overwhelm myself with a goal of reading for an hour per day. Instead I just have to read for 1 minute per day which comes down to just one page per day and if I don’t have any more time then I can quit. But I cannot give any excuses for not reading just 1 minute per day. I am going to start doing this from right now. I am also thinking about developing an app with my friends on this very idea.

Let’s set ourselves up for success by removing the barrier to entry.

Thanks for reading.



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