Holding the politicians accountable
If you are a human living in a democracy, you have a political leader that the majority of people chose and who now represents you. If you are living in a communist country or autocracy, I’m sorry. No need to read ahead.
Anyways, we just had our local state elections and hundreds of political leaders from different political parties were elected. Now, what happens is they kind of disappear after the elections and in many cases don’t do work and deliver on the promises they made.
These same lazy leaders are sometimes elected more than once by the people. The leaders manage to fool the people into giving them votes somehow.
With the advent of the internet and social media, we have seen a rise in the people’s awareness of their powers. They have started to hold their leaders accountable. But still, the leaders continue to fool people and get elected. So it hints that the current system isn’t working.
If we want a better world, sooner, then we need to figure out some way to hold the leaders we elect accountable constantly under the public’s eye. They should be required to submit a proof of their work and they must be tallied against whatever promises they made. They should have to meet and interact with people more rather than disappearing in some cave.
These changes will come gradually, if at all. Because of course, the people in power are going to resist such changes which threaten their power.
Or… the changes may never come. Suddenly, giving all the power to a good person sounds appealing. Am I right? How did that turn out for you, people living under dictators?