Why don’t we take people who claim to be in contact with gods seriously anymore?
History is full of examples of people and messais claiming to be in contact with gods across all cultures. Using that claim and somehow performing some miracles, they got power over people. Once anyone has power over people, he or she can then get whatever he or she wants.
But in current times, even with the advent of social media, we don’t take such people seriously anymore. Or I must correct myself and say that many of us don’t take them seriously. A few of them always fall prey. They are not stupid, they are just gullible and don’t have well-developed critical thinking.
So why don’t we flock to such godmen or godwomen who claim that they can solve all our problems? And why do we opt for more practical solutions like working hard and taking responsibility?
The answer to that tells us about the changing times. It tells us that something so important to the collective human mind as gods can also wither away by human pursuit of knowledge and its transfer to future generations. It tempts us to predict that this trend is only going to vanish gradually if humans continue to seek more knowledge for a better understanding of our world.