Granular improvements
Too often we read or hear that we need some giant change to flip our life around. We imagine that something will change and then our miserable lives will turn into content ones. We wait for that change, always feeling that it is just around the corner. Some people wait their whole lives…
But there is no giant change. Overnight changes do not exist, except some tragedies that can shock you to the core like the death of a loved one. Even that is not a guarantee that you will experience positive change. In those cases too where we hear that someone experienced life-shattering tragedy and then immediately turned their life around from the next day, you will notice that they start with granular changes, but they take on a lot of them together.
Most of us won’t face that in our day to day life, and we don’t have to. We can start with tiny changes here and there, one at a time, and then observe to see if there are any changes as per our desire. If there are, great, if not, then make more granular changes.
Small changes are easy to make. They can be started right now. They can be taken independently. They don’t cause much, or any, loss if you fail at them. They conquer the power of compounding for you. You may not be able to see external results immediately but you should give them time enough to do their magic.