Gods reside at the cusp of ignorance
Humans have some kind of innate drive to believe in Gods. It is really hard not to attach meaning to seemingly meaningless events. We find patterns even where there are none to be found. Early in human history, different tribes of humans had different Gods. But many worshipped common Gods. Like the Sun, the Moon, the Wind, the Lightning, the Fire, mighty animals, and the likes. Then humans began to control some of these and they ceased to be Gods and just became a tool at mankind’s disposal. The fire was tamed, almost all animals were under our control. We gained knowledge. What we understood, ceased to be Gods.
As centuries passed by, the myths told that the Gods resided in the sky. Some said that they resided in the trees and even inside the Earth. These persisted for millennia as we had no idea to test these. But once humans achieved mastery of the skies and flew planes high above the clouds, they realized that the Gods were nowhere to be found in the clouds. And subsequent astronomical discoveries proved that the universe is far far larger than any myth ever predicted. Now no one seriously claims that the Gods reside in clouds or the skies. The circle of human knowledge has expanded in area and the darkness of ignorance has been pushed further out. Many now claim that the Gods created the Universe and may reside out of it. Some even claim that Gods reside on other planets, within or outside our solar system. These are currently outside the circle of our knowledge and thus the Gods reside there. Some say that the Gods are everywhere around us. But we cannot test that in any scientific way. So the Gods are again placed where we don’t understand something.
“Maybe the Gods are everywhere around us, but in some different dimensions.” We do not yet know about dimensions, and understand them and test them. And that is where the Gods go. If in future we can study other dimensions and even peer into them and we do not find any Gods there, then the Gods will just be placed someplace else where the darkness of ignorance still rules.
Gods are unfalsifiable hypotheses.
This is a fascinating exploration of how we attribute to Gods what we do not yet understand and comprehend. Some people will believe in Gods no matter what, while some will not believe in Gods until they are proven incontrovertibly to be true. Either way, the Gods don’t seem to give a shit.