Here is the definition of a fractal from Google:
a curve or geometrical figure, each part of which has the same statistical character as the whole.
We have a potted plant in our front yard and a flower was blooming at its top since few days. But I had never taken a closer look and really observed it. Today, that flower grabbed my attention with its dark shining colors and I took a closer look.
I noted instantly that the “flower” was unlike any other flower I had ever seen. And more fascinating were the fractals in it as I have clicked in the photograph above. Those are not multiple separate flowers cramped into a small space. That is one long single flower that was naturally bent this way. And those bends created fractals.
Note how the smaller bends look similar to the larger curves in the flower. I love it. I will see if it grows more and by how much. I don’t know much about the mathematics of fractals but I am fascinated by their recurrence in nature.
Here is a list of few phenomena on Wikipedia with fractal features:
Check it out and be fascinated!