Firecrackers use will decrease over time
Today is one of the most important days of Diwali. In the past, before we brought Coco into our family, I never thought about the Diwali and the firecrackers from the perspective of a dog. But the truth is that these firecrackers and the loud explosions really agitate them. Today, Coco was unable to process what was going on and whenever some firecracker went off nearby, she would start barking. She got used to the distant bangs, but the nearby ones startled her. We partially managed to calm her but she barks when she is startled and there is nothing we can do about it. We just have to bear through it all together.
This is just one of the many problems of Diwali firecrackers. And I am glad that I found someone shared a video pleading to go for a silent Diwali as the firecrackers make the dogs anxious. The awareness is increasing and slowly but surely people are starting to go for a silent Diwali. And I am hopeful for the future too. As proper awareness and education about the issue increases, more and more people will give up Diwali firecrackers and celebrate with lights without the bangs. The number of people bursting firecrackers will decrease as the years go by. It is akin to defecating in the open and using toilets. In the past it was prevalent. But as we progressed collectively, it decreased. Sure, there are still many people who defecate out in the open everyday. But it is decreasing.
And one day people will equate bursting firecrackers with defecating in the open. It will be looked down upon because people will be better educated about all its issues!
Happy Diwali and thank you for reading.