Finding patterns in clouds like a child

Hemant Kulkarni
2 min readNov 19, 2018


Yesterday, I went out with friends a few kilometres away from the town and amidst some trees and plants rather than the concrete jungle. The sun had set and there were a few clouds strews across the sky. The most beautiful ones were those near the west bathed in red and orange.

I was looking at the scenic painting-like beauty when I noticed a cloud and something clicked inside me. My brain began to see a shape in that one and a wave of nostalgia washed over me. I saw a ship in the cloud while my friend saw a Jet Ski.

Do you see a ship/Jet Ski in that cloud? Maybe you see something else.

I used to do that with friends in my childhood. I remember I would spend hours just sitting somewhere and trying to find patterns and shapes in the sky. It never felt boring. I would point out what I saw in which cloud to my friends and they would point what they saw to me.

Somewhere up the growing age, I lost that and I did not even realize what I lost until I saw the cloud yesterday. I did not even have an idea that I had lost something. I lost the sense of wonder.

It might seem foolish to many adults to sit somewhere doing nothing and finding patterns in clouds. But that is what pleases me to the core and that is what I am going to train myself in. For me, a childlike wonder and curiosity are important. If you can derive so much content with such a free easy thing, then why chase after material things which won’t give you any?

Bringing back that sense of wonder isn’t going to be easy. Years of systematic brainwashing has almost killed it. But I know I am not signing up for something easy. I will do it anyway because it is important.



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