Problems worth solving

Hemant Kulkarni
2 min readOct 30, 2019


Everyone has problems in their lives. No one is exempt from them. I am struggling with certain problems while you are struggling with yours.

Too often we keep working on certain problems giving way too much energy to it than it deserves from our limited life. Not all problems are worth the time and energy we expend on them, though they may seem so. We are blind to what type of problem we are facing.

There are two types of problems: 1) worth solving, 2) not worth solving.

You must always be mindful of what type of problem you are facing. If you don’t mind the frustration and long wait for results, then the problem might be worth solving. If you are stuck in a problem from years but are unable to do anything about it then the problem is not worth solving.

Just because you have been working with a problem for years, trying to solve it, doesn’t mean that you have to stick with it. Don’t fall for the “sunk cost fallacy”.

It is ok to walk away. It is encouraged to walk away because you may then find a new set of problems that perhaps is better than the previous one.

The hard part is sifting through the problems and finding ones that are worth solving and working on them and discarding ones that are not worth your time.

You need self-awareness, patience and perseverance.

Photo by James Pond on Unsplash



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