Chanting Gods’ names
Our mythological stories tell us that chanting a certain God’s name makes them very happy. If not happy, then binds them to provide some wish-fulfilment for the worshipper.
To exploit this rule of the heavens, many people, good or bad, spend years, decades and even centuries (don’t ask me how) just chanting a single God’s name.
When the God comes down to earth and to show that they are really happy, they tell the worshipper (bhakt doesn’t have a good connotation in the current times) that they will provide one boon, with terms and conditions attached. (Asking for eternal life isn’t allowed. That is only reserved for angry, vengeful, spiteful, jealous Gods.)
The worshipper enjoys the boon for a short period then promptly ends up dead by some sneaky trickery on part of Gods.
What I am wondering about is: whether we can please the same Gods by writing a computer program that chants their name millions of times in a second? I guess that will just spam the Gods from all over the world. And no one likes spam. Especially the angry, vengeful, spiteful, jealous Gods.
Perhaps we may need to figure out some ingenious idea to please the Gods and then we may get boons.
Or perhaps, we may invest all that time and resources into science and figure out the world and exploit it till we kill every last living being on earth.
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