I have this apprehension for audiobooks. When I tried them in the past, I did not recall much of it. I would often get lost in the words and realize that I did not understand what was said in the last minute or so. I then had to rewind and listen to the part again. It felt tedious. Harder than physical reading. After that, I never gave audiobooks a try.
But today as I was going to the gym, I felt like I should listen to all those amazing people on YouTube who advertise “Audible” and give some audiobook a listen as it is highly convenient and I can “read” while I am working out. I decided to go with the “Pale Blue Dot” by Carl Sagan and I must say, for the first day, it indeed felt good. Sure, I encountered some parts where I missed what the author said and I had to rewind it as I feared.
But now, I have the mentality that it is worth it. I will either get used to that problem by developing better focus or I will just use rewind over and over again because it is worth it. I already finished a couple of chapters out of the 20 or so in the book in one day of the gym session. At that speed, I will have read one book per 10 days or so and that too without much effort. Maybe I will understand less efficiently than direct reading, but that is still better than not reading at all. And on days when I am bored from listening to audiobooks, I can always fall back on music.
Give it a try.
Post not sponsored by Audible! :D