Ask for help but don’t expect it

Hemant Kulkarni
2 min readJun 24, 2020


It is a fact that we cannot do everything. We cannot do well much of the things. Sometimes we are in a situation where we don’t have the access to do something.

We must thus ask for help. Someone else might help us do it.

The positive news is that humans are social beings and like helping others. By asking help, we increase the chances of receiving it.

But we must not expect the help once we ask it. Just because you are asking someone for a favour does not mean that you will get it.

This will create suffering which is what Buddha talks about, and so do the Stoics. If we are expecting to receive help, we feel entitled, and then we suffer and become upset when we do not receive any help for whatever circumstances.

We then assume animosity with people for the simple reason that they were unable to help us with some request.

Do not expect anything when you ask someone for help. This will keep you from suffering unnecessarily.

Photo by Matthew Waring on Unsplash

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