Aliens are out there
We started looking out of aliens decades ago, not even a blink on cosmic timescales, and we already have paradoxes as to why the universe is silent and not teeming with artificial signals.
The basic idea behind it is that the instant we turned on our receivers, we should have spotted many intelligent signals all around us. But we don’t. What we can detect can be explained by some natural phenomenon. This idea is highly optimistic about life on other worlds and how they would behave as well.
Some smart humans say that we will find alien signals in the next couple of decades. Many smart humans said the same thing decades ago, but here we are still listening with intent ears into the silent void. Some say it will take a few centuries.
One of these predictors is bound to be correct just because some prediction will fit the time when the aliens will be spotted, detected, listened to.
That seems like a certainty. The natural processes that bore us here on earth and by chance evolved an intelligent species don’t seem unlikely on other planets. And there are billions of life-friendly planets in our galaxy. We can’t even fathom the other trillions of galaxies out there.
It is a certainty that we will find some signal from some other independently evolved life. The “when” is pesky.
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