Aim for the long term
I have started writing tiny blog articles as an experiment and as a test for myself to implement a lot of things that I have learnt from the books.
One of those things is to aim for the long term. If I look for results in the short term, which can be anywhere from a few months to even a few years, I won’t find anything. I would stop writing if I want something out of it in the short term. But almost nothing ever comes out of the short term.
I must be ready to do this for years on end. Decades. For the rest of my life. That does not necessarily mean that I write one blog article per day. That might change. The underlying aim is important and that is to provide value in the lives of others.
There are many many people out there providing value in the lives of others. Most of them burn out in the short them. I must keep reminding myself that that is one pitfall. If I really love this, then I should also be able to see myself enjoying doing this for the rest of my life.
That is the long term.